Areas of Learning Overviews

In the documents below you will find information about the 7 areas of learning that make up the Early Years Statutory Framework. For each area of learning there is a summary of the kinds of provision and activities we provide in order to ensure your child learns to their maximum potential, and what we expect them to have achieved by the end of their time in nursery.

RHNS Communicationandlanguage overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Expressive Arts and Design overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Literacy overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Maths overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Physical Development overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS PSED overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Understanding the World overview.pdf .pdf

Areas of Learning Overviews

In the documents below you will find information about the 7 areas of learning that make up the Early Years Statutory Framework. For each area of learning there is a summary of the kinds of provision and activities we provide in order to ensure your child learns to their maximum potential, and what we expect them to have achieved by the end of their time in nursery.

RHNS Communicationandlanguage overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Expressive Arts and Design overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Literacy overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Maths overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Physical Development overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS PSED overview.pdf .pdf
RHNS Understanding the World overview.pdf .pdf