It is important that we know the people that will be collecting your child each day. If it is going to be somebody different from the usual people, please let your child’s teacher or key person know when you drop them off. If it’s a list minute thing, please phone the school office to let us know. We will not let your child go home with an adult that you haven’t told us about. If an older child under the age of 16 years is collecting your child, we need written permission to allow your child to leave with them. The responsibility will then be yours.
If your child is unwell and can’t come into nursery, please report their absence on Weduc or phone the school office on 01282 682285 to inform us. If you know in advance that your child is going to be off, for example to attend an appointment, please let your child’s teacher or key person know, or call into the school office.
If your child is feeling unwell or has a temperature, they are best staying at home with you until they feel better.
DO NOT bring your child to school if he/she has been sick during the night or if he/she has diarrhoea. Allow 48 hours before coming back to school so that, if there has been any infection, it will not be passed on to other children or adults.
Some illnesses mean that your child will need to stay at home for a set number of days to ensure they don’t pass it onto other children and staff. See below for more information:
NHS guidance on incubation periods for common childhood illnesses
In the case of infectious diseases, particularly German Measles (Rubella) please notify us immediately in order that we may advise all women in the early stages of pregnancy, who have been in contact with the disease, to contact their doctors.
We expect all children to wear school uniform every day. This consists of a dark green sweatshirt or cardigan with our school logo on, a polo shirt with a collar on in any colour and dark grey, black or dark green trousers, joggers, skirt or leggings. School sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased from the main school office, all other items of uniform can be purchased from a local supermarket or clothes shop.
Shoes or trainers can be any colour, but need to be appropriate for school. Schools with heels or that can slip off are not appropriate. It is helpful to us if shoes don’t have laces – velcro or buckles are better.
A suitable coat and shoes that will keep him/her warm and dry are needed for learning outdoors.
In case of accidents please provide a change of clothing in a carrier bag for your child, including nappies for younger children not yet toilet trained.
Your child’s class teacher or key person are probably best to speak to first if you have a concern about your child. They will be able to reassure you and offer support. You can also make an appointment to speak to the headteacher by contacting the school office on 01282 682285.
Newsletters on Weduc and the school website will give you information about what your child is doing in nursery. You can also ask your child’s teacher or key person. Each week teachers post a learning newsletter on Weduc, please take a look at these as they give you information about what your child is learning in school and also ideas of activities you can do at home to support your child with their learning.
Staff are observing and assessing children all the time in nursery, but your child for one week per term will be a focus child. This means that during that week, staff interactions and teaching of your child by all nursery staff will be recorded and provide a picture of your child’s interests and learning and identify where their next steps in learning are, so we can work together to help your child achieve them.
Prior to your child’s focus week, you will be sent home a sheet to complete about what interests your child currently has at home, what events may be happening, any planned trips or visits your family may be making. We also ask that you e-mail us any photos of these which we will print out and share with your child before putting them in their learning journal. These sheets are really valuable in supporting your child’s learning.
In the middle of the Autumn and Spring terms, your child’s teacher will contact you to update you on your child’s progress and discuss how best to work together to ensure your child achieves their potential during their time in school. At the end of the Summer term, if your child is in nursery you will be given a written report about your child prior to them starting in reception.
Fees can be paid through our parent app Weduc, please pay through there as much as possible. Alternatively payments can be made by bank transfer or by card at the main office.
To check whether your child is eligible for a funded place please follow the links below:
Lancashire County Council - funded childcare for 2-year olds
Lancashire County Council - funded childcare for 3 and 4-year olds
Due to school still having to pay staff and building costs, full fees are payable even if your child is absent due to illness or non-attendance. In exceptional circumstances, such as a child being admitted to hospital for a prolonged period of time, at the discretion of the headteacher fees may be reduced or waived.
Please see our charging and remissions policy for more information.
Additional hours or sessions can be paid for, if we have space to accommodate your child. Please speak to the school office for more information.
If your child has a medical condition (for example asthma or eczema) and requires medication whilst in nursery, we will require you to provide the medication and sign a consent form allowing staff members to administer it.
Throughout the year there will be opportunities for you to come into school to take part in activities and events with your child. These will only be offered once the children have all settled in. Your attendance at these events means a great deal to your child. If you are unable to attend because of work commitments or other reasons, try to send another family member – a grandparent, aunt etc. to support your child.
There is no requirement for your child to be toilet trained to attend nursery, but we do encourage you to work on this at home when your child shows signs of being ready. Please let school know if your child is wearing nappies or pull-ups and provide some spares so that nursery staff can change your child if needed during the session. If your child still needs help using the toilet, staff will be able to do this if you let us know. If you need support toilet-training your chil, please speak to a member of staff for advice.