Starting Nursery

Starting nursery is a very special time in your child’s life, and it’s really important that we get it right. Before your child comes for the first time, you will be offered a home visit by your child’s class teacher and key worker. During this visit, they will talk with you, play with your child and get to know a little bit about them. Please use this opportunity to ask any questions and to let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s development. Following this visit, you will be invited into the nursery to spend some time with your child, and will then be given a date and time for your child to start attending nursery. 


Your child may take time to settle into what will seem like a strange and busy environment.  (S)he will have to make a break from home, meet new adults and children and get used to new routines. Sometimes emotional upsets will occur; this is perfectly normal and our staff are very experienced in supporting children who are a little upset or unsettled.  Try to be patient and support your child through this transitional period.  We are confident that once settled your child will become a happy nursery pupil who is keen to attend. If we are worried about how your child is settling then we will let you know.


Things you can do to help your child in the nursery;

  • Drop him/her off with a smile – if children see you upset they will be too!
  • Talk to him/her about what they will be doing in the nursery and make sure he/she knows that you will be coming back later. 
  • After the session asks your child about their time in the nursery – don’t be worried if he/she doesn’t have a lot to tell you at first, this is normal after a busy day!
  • Help your child to be as independent as possible – show him/her how to put on a coat and shoes, use the toilet independently, wash hands afterwards, and tidy toys away. Staff are always there to help, so don’t worry if your child isn’t able to do this yet – one day he/she will surprise you if you let him/her have a go!
  • Talk to your child as much as possible about what he/she is doing, where you are going, what you can see outdoors etc – the more language children are exposed to, the more they will pick up and use themselves.
  • Get your child used to be away from you for a short time
  • Help him/her to share with others
  • Share stories together, talking about the pictures and what is happening
  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes together
  • Provide your child with lots of physical activities to develop his/her core strength and muscles, such as running, jumping, climbing, dancing, throwing and catching and kicking a ball. 

Starting Nursery

Starting nursery is a very special time in your child’s life, and it’s really important that we get it right. Before your child comes for the first time, you will be offered a home visit by your child’s class teacher and key worker. During this visit, they will talk with you, play with your child and get to know a little bit about them. Please use this opportunity to ask any questions and to let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s development. Following this visit, you will be invited into the nursery to spend some time with your child, and will then be given a date and time for your child to start attending nursery. 


Your child may take time to settle into what will seem like a strange and busy environment.  (S)he will have to make a break from home, meet new adults and children and get used to new routines. Sometimes emotional upsets will occur; this is perfectly normal and our staff are very experienced in supporting children who are a little upset or unsettled.  Try to be patient and support your child through this transitional period.  We are confident that once settled your child will become a happy nursery pupil who is keen to attend. If we are worried about how your child is settling then we will let you know.


Things you can do to help your child in the nursery;

  • Drop him/her off with a smile – if children see you upset they will be too!
  • Talk to him/her about what they will be doing in the nursery and make sure he/she knows that you will be coming back later. 
  • After the session asks your child about their time in the nursery – don’t be worried if he/she doesn’t have a lot to tell you at first, this is normal after a busy day!
  • Help your child to be as independent as possible – show him/her how to put on a coat and shoes, use the toilet independently, wash hands afterwards, and tidy toys away. Staff are always there to help, so don’t worry if your child isn’t able to do this yet – one day he/she will surprise you if you let him/her have a go!
  • Talk to your child as much as possible about what he/she is doing, where you are going, what you can see outdoors etc – the more language children are exposed to, the more they will pick up and use themselves.
  • Get your child used to be away from you for a short time
  • Help him/her to share with others
  • Share stories together, talking about the pictures and what is happening
  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes together
  • Provide your child with lots of physical activities to develop his/her core strength and muscles, such as running, jumping, climbing, dancing, throwing and catching and kicking a ball.